Become a slammer now!

The 2024 Science Slammer application is open now.

If you are interested to participate, please write an e-mail to until 8 July 2024 (CALL EXTENDED) briefly describing your background, your affiliation and the topic you have in mind. We will make a selection among all applicants, aiming to bring a balanced program of all fields of life-, mind- and social sciences on stage.


Did you ever tell the public what you are doing all day at work?

The Science Slam is a format which combines the communication of current research with enjoyable entertainment: In 10 minutes stage time the participants present a piece of their work to a public audience in a theatre. The challenge is to make the talk both educative and entertaining as amusement is a great tool to convey the message to people. There are no limitations to the format, except to the already mentioned ones:

  • The presentation should be linked to what you do in your scientific job
  • It should not exceed the 10 minutes to provide equal conditions

There are no limitations in the style: You can use the 10 minutes stage time performing as you like (singing, playing an instrument, showing an experiment or doing a PowerPoint presentation – or a combination of it all).

In the end, the audience will vote which performance they liked the most. So do not hesitate to incorporate them and interact with them already during your presentation – to win them for you!

As a reward for your time and commitment, all slammers will receive a gift kindly provided by our sponsors. Moreover, the winner will receive the main trophy of the event designating him/her as the winner of the Luxembourg Science Slam 2023!

All in all, this is a great chance to get people excited about your research by entertaining them – but also a great training for yourself and maybe the beginning of a new passion!


Sounds great! But you are not sure as you’re doing it the first time?

No worries! Well before the event, you will get the chance to attend a coaching from an experienced slammer to have your presentation and ideas checked (of course for free).


You need more information?

Just search for Science Slam on YouTube to find examples of this format! If you are interested or have any further question, just send a mail to




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